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Staff application / Re: BiG.BosSeR - Staff Application
« Last post by F@R!S on August 15, 2014, 03:33:39 pm »
Guys no one Said Denied or Pending or **** any thing This is My Board ! WTF !
Complaints / [CIT]BoDy Abusing, Insulting and Flaming on me
« Last post by Nullz on August 14, 2014, 05:00:38 pm »
Hey now today I saw [CIT]BoDy abusing and insulting me IG.. He is staff he is suppose to enforce the rules not break them..

Here are the ScreenShots of him abusing and Insulting:

Remember to check the chats too because he was insulting me too.
Staff application / Re: Staff Application Center (Closed)
« Last post by bigshow21 on August 14, 2014, 09:44:38 am »
InGame Informations :
1.Your InGame NickName :Hamada
2.Your InGame Account name :bigshow21
3.Your InGame Serial :D4D8F29B940563E5DCB264B1EB0CB5B3
4.Whats Our Community Name :Cit3
Personnel Info :
5.Whats Your Real Name :mohamed
6.Your English skills (""/20) : 19
7.Your TimeZone :GMT+2
8.Your Country of residence :egypt
9.Tell us about your real life (70+Words) : Hello.. ,my real name is mohamed ,I was born in  ,My school is m.m.l.s that in alexandria.I am 12 years old ,I haveone sister,My favorite hobbies  IS swimming and playing basketball as I meet my friend each weekend as usual and go to any place like shoping , any party or any thing... just spend any nice time ,Well I play on my computer for maybe 2 hour each day and some times I can't do that ;If there is any problem ,I really love my life and I wish to not be change.
More Informations :
10.How is your CIT life (50 Words) : I think ,I started playing this server, I felt crestfallen. But I feel very happy, to see an old friend. Name he is F@RIS, That is a very good friend to me, helped me understand the server cit3
11.Why you want to join the staff team (50 words) : I would like to be a member of CIT staff because I would like to contribute my knowledge and skills to the community. I find it interesting to help players as I know how I started and how people feel when coming to CIT for the first time. I think that by becoming a CIT staff, my journey on CIT would be fulfilled. I would like to fight against people whose goal is to destroy fun with dming, shouting and making players around him to feel uncomfortable. I would like to help to prevent any kind of abuse, exploit or misbehaviour of players.
  What I hear, I forget, what I see, I remember, what I do, I understand. I will take responsibility for it at any cost and nothing else matters.
12.Tell us how much your experienced with the staff tools ("/100) :79/100
13.Did you got admin rank in any other server?(yes/no)(Don't say server name) : yes
14.How much time you play per week :  4 or 6
15.Tell us the some of the Moderator Tools(Minimum 4 of them)  : Ban, Mute, Kick, Freeze and Etc
16.You enjoy playing our Community "CIT" (%) : yes
Screen Shots Of Your Info :
17.SS of your punishlog (soon) :
18.SS of TAB (Hold Tab and F12) :
More Questions(Yes/No) :
19.You will respect our community rules : yes
20.You will abuse your staff or admin tools if you got accepted : no
21.You will spam the topic whatever you got any decision : no
22.You will wait until the staff team decide about you : yes
23.Anything more to say :no
Staff application / Re: Staff Application Center (Closed)
« Last post by WARSTAR on August 14, 2014, 08:03:32 am »
InGame Informations :
1.Your InGame NickName : Warstar
2.Your InGame Account name : warstar
3.Your InGame Serial : 668167B92D5F1A2D932DFAD008532404
4.Whats Our Community Name : Ali Tarabeh
Personnel Info :
5.Whats Your Real Name : Ali
6.Your English skills (""/20) :  18/20
7.Your TimeZone : +3
8.Your Country of residence : IL-Israel
9.Tell us about your real life (70+Words) :
More Informations :
10.How is your CIT life (50 Words) : im a palestinian boy that lives in israel, im arabic, I got two sisters and I got no brothers, im a kickboxer , I spend the most of my time training to because a world champion, like muhammad ali or mike tyson, also I won a few israel kickboxing championships but im still 17 years old so I think  I have a bright future in this sport and I was a football player but I got injored and my leg got broken so I stopped football playing because it made me torture for about 10 months, I also love to study and get high grades in school and make my parents proud in me in everything I also spend I big part of my time playing MTA CIT, I love making friendships with people I dont know and I love to be popular and famous everywhere and im not racist I respect all the people no matter how they look or where are they from.
11.Why you want to join the staff team (50 words) : i want join staff team to be famous player in CIT 3 and in MTA , i want join staff team in CIT 3 cuc i's a great server and i will work hard to make cit3 better server  and i want join staff team to stay with my brothers Faris Etc... i will this server and i will stay withthis server i will tell  all my friendsto join this server and soon this server will be better server
12.Tell us how much your experienced with the staff tools ("/100) : 90\100
13.Did you got admin rank in any other server?(yes/no)(Don't say server name) : admin Level 3
14.How much time you play per week :  120h
15.Tell us the some of the Moderator Tools(Minimum 4 of them)  : Ban, Mute, Kick, jail,Freeze and Etc...

16.You enjoy playing our Community "CIT" (%) : yes
Screen Shots Of Your Info
17.SS of your punishlog (soon) :
18.SS of TAB (Hold Tab and F12) :  --- i know i dont  have 30 hour but iwill get it soon .
More Questions(Yes/No) :
19.You will respect our community rules : yes
20.You will abuse your staff or admin tools if you got accepted :  no
21.You will spam the topic whatever you got any decision :  no
22.You will wait until the staff team decide about you : yes
23.Anything more to say : i want to tell all my friend and my brother aboutthis server and to join this server , and i dont have 30H i will get it soon cuz iwill sty all time in this server
Staff application / Re: BiG.BosSeR - Staff Application
« Last post by Prokill on August 14, 2014, 05:40:07 am »
Complaints / [CIT]Big.BosSer DMing and insulting MAJOR!
« Last post by Nullz on August 14, 2014, 02:54:29 am »
Hey guys. I'm here showing you how [CIT]Big.BosSer is DMing and insulting me. And now I have proof of it.

Here is  ScreenShot(s) of Big.BosSer Breaking Rules (MAJOR):

And check the kill logs. He killed me about 20 times non-stop. For no Reason.
Staff application / Re: BiG.BosSeR - Staff Application
« Last post by Mustafa on August 13, 2014, 12:28:15 pm »
Staff application / Re: BiG.BosSeR - Staff Application
« Last post by Khalil5 on August 13, 2014, 11:52:46 am »
Staff application / Re: BiG.BosSeR - Staff Application
« Last post by BiG.BosSeR on August 13, 2014, 11:34:19 am »
accept or denied man
Staff application / Re: BiG.BosSeR - Staff Application
« Last post by Khalil5 on August 13, 2014, 11:27:52 am »
Good luk  ;)
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